โรงพยาบาลมาสเตอร์พีซ 99/19 ถ.สุโขทัย, แขวง ดุสิต เขตดุสิต, กทม. 10300
02-1054370, 02-2413246
Full HD Endoscopic

What is Full HD Endoscopic Camera for breast augmentation?

An endoscopic camera is an instrument made up of essentially two parts. A tiny camera with a bright light on the end of a long tube and a television monitor, which displays a magnified image of what the camera sees. The surgeon performs the surgery while manipulating the endoscope and watching the monitor. Instead of the big incisions used in traditional surgical procedures of the past, only a small incision, less than an inch long is required in endoscopic surgery.

Which kinds of breast are considered as fascinating breast
Breast Augmentation with Full HD endoscopic camera

Breast HD

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Advantage Breast Augmentation with Full HD endoscopic camera
Operation Information for Breast Augmentation with Full HD endoscopic camera
[gem_youtube video_id=”FPY7QdFyepU”]

Breast HD

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