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Your Breast Augmentation Questions Answered


We understand that breast augmentation, just like any other major surgery, poses many fears and questions to those who are planning to undergo the procedure. Although your surgeon can address most of your fears and worries prior to the surgery, you may still have some questions left unanswered.

Here we have compiled a list of the most common questions patients have when undergoing breast augmentation.

1. Will it be painful?

This is a subjective question. The answer to this is no, and yes at the same time. You will be asleep throughout the whole procedure since you will be sedated under general anesthesia. Some patients report feeling pain the moment they wake up from sedation. Whereas others report no pain at all. Pain is a highly subjective experience. With this in mind, you will be given the appropriate pain medication depending on the severity of your pain post-op. It is expected that there will be a degree of pain after the procedure but it can be managed with oral pain medications. If the pain is too severe for you to handle, you may have to go back to your surgeon and have the incision site checked for any possible complications.

2. Will my breasts be symmetrical?

We all strive for precision. And as much as the breast augmentation procedure is done to enhance a person’s physical aspect, there is no such thing as absolute perfection, not even in the field of plastic surgery. Your surgeon will do his best to make sure that your breasts are as symmetrical as physically possible. But due to many factors such as breast tissue density, underlying muscle tone, and skin elasticity, you are not totally guaranteed to have perfect, symmetrical breasts. One breast may be slightly, unnoticeably larger or smaller than the other and this is quite normal.

3. Can I still breastfeed?

mom breastfeeding baby

This is a common question by most patients in their 20’s to 30’s. If you have any plans of getting pregnant, disclose this to your surgeon when you have your initial visit. Most surgeons will agree that there is no connection between the inability to breastfeed and having implants. For as long as your implants do not have leaks, it is safe to breastfeed your baby. Pregnancy brings with it many physical changes including an increase in breast size. It’s not recommended that you get pregnant months after your surgery since this can cause a strain on the post-op site and can lead to possible complications. Discuss with your surgeon regarding the best time to get pregnant and how soon you can breastfeed after the procedure.

4. Do I get to choose my cup size?

breast size

As a patient, you have every right to disclose your desired results to your surgeon. However, you have to collaborate with your surgeon and discuss what is the best cup size for your structure. There are many factors that go into consideration when deciding on how big you can go. If you’re a petite person, don’t expect that your surgeon will agree to go full-on double-D. Remember that he also has his license and reputation at risk if your surgery is botched. Likewise, what you want may not always be the best for your body or it may be too much for your body to handle. Good surgeons will advise against going for the biggest size if they deem that it is not fit for you.

5. Will there be scarring?

Like any surgical procedure, you will expect some scarring after breast augmentation. The scars will be determined as to which technique your surgeon used in placing the implants. The most common technique is the inframammary incision by which a scar is made underneath your breast. This can be easily hidden underneath a bra. Typically, there will be a raised, red scar where the incision was made. But over time, this will fade as it is replaced by healing connective tissue and will fade to white, almost invisible to the naked eye. You should inform your doctor, however, if you have any history of keloid formation as this may be a factor in determining how he will do the incision.

6. Will exercise cause the implants to rupture?

women exercise

Today’s technology ensures that implants are resistant to pressure and can withstand even regular mammograms. There’s no need to worry about your implants rupturing or falling out of place even when you regularly exercise. Although you are advised to avoid any strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for about six weeks after the procedure, once you are cleared by your surgeon, you can gradually go back to your exercise routine. Remember to always wear a good support sports bra to make sure that you don’t feel any discomfort.

7. Will there be bruising after the surgery?

Breast augmentation generally does not cause any heavy bruising around the surgical site. Although your breasts will feel sore for a few weeks after the procedure, it’s not common for bruising to develop in the surgical area. Bruising may be indicative of bleeding, once you notice that a hematoma is forming or is growing substantially in size, have it assessed by your doctor immediately. It is for this reason that patients taking antiplatelet or anticoagulant medications such as aspirin are advised to stay off these medications days before the scheduled surgery.

8. Will the implants last a lifetime?

Implants are much like any prosthetic device, they are not guaranteed to last a lifetime. However, with the proper care and monitoring, implants can last for twenty years or even more. You don’t need to have them replaced as long as they have no leaks and for as long as they do not cause any pain or discomfort. Regular breast exams and check-ups are the keys to maintaining the longevity of your implants.

9. Can it be performed by any surgeon?

No. It’s a big no to have your breast augmentation done by a surgeon who is not certified to perform the surgery. Breast augmentation, although common, is not a simple procedure and plastic surgeons undergo extensive training before they can perform the operation. It is best to check your surgeon’s qualifications before deciding to perform the surgery. Most of the time, patients are fooled by the cheap rates they can get at shady clinics, only to find out that the surgery was performed poorly or used substandard implants. These can cause serious health threats.

10. Which is better? Silicone or saline implants?

Silicone or Saline

Many women say that silicone implants feel more natural to the touch. However, deciding on the best material to use is an entirely personal, subjective experience. Some surgeons only offer one type of implant, whereas others are comfortable working with both. Discuss with your surgeon your implant options so you can decide which material works best for you.