โรงพยาบาลมาสเตอร์พีซ 99/19 ถ.สุโขทัย, แขวง ดุสิต เขตดุสิต, กทม. 10300
02-1054370, 02-2413246


Enriched Vitamin for instant brighter radiant skin

CENDERILLA is a process where enrich vitamin apply to facial areas. Multi vitamins including antioxidants and extracts which are beneficial to the body for promoting rapid skill improvement.

CENDERILLA is suitable for people who are exhausted from hard working condition encounter environmental pollution such as sunlight, car smoke, dust factory, cigarette smoke, drinking alcohol or little rest which causes the skin to look dull.

Advantage of CENDERELLA

[gem_list type=”square”]Advantage of CENDERELLA

  • Increase antioxidants to the body which are beneficial to health and skin.
  • Stimulate collagen and elastin production for speed up new skin cells regeneration process.
  • Revitalize aging skin and promote a brighter, younger, and moisturizing skin.
  • Nourishing and promoting body health so the body can be revive.
  • Promote naturally brighter and more radiant skin.


During the procedure

[gem_list type=”square”]During the procedure

  • May feel sting when the needle is injected and burning sensation at the beginning of the procedure.


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Post Treatment

[gem_list type=”square”]Post Treatment

  • Recommend to get up slowly once the treatment is completed. In some cases, a patient may experience dizziness.
  • Patients may experience sore at the injection spot. The feeling will disappear within 24 hours.
  • In some cases, bruises may occur around injection areas.
