โรงพยาบาลมาสเตอร์พีซ 99/19 ถ.สุโขทัย, แขวง ดุสิต เขตดุสิต, กทม. 10300
02-1054370, 02-2413246

Cheekbone Reduction: other choice for people who want a slimmer face

Cheekbones are play an integral role in defining one’s overall facial appearance which can be found commonly in Asian people. If the cheekbones are excessively prominent, the face can appear to be bigger than usual, which may cause a person to look harsh, intense or fierce.  Cheekbone reduction is a procedure used to reshape prominent cheekbones. Cheekbone Reduction is the answer for both men and women who wants their faces to look softer, sweeter or more symmetry.

Cheekbone Shaving
Zygomatic Procedure

Advantage for Cheekbone Reduction Procedure

  • Change cheekbones position to be symmetry for a better and more beautiful facial shape.
  • Result in a more defined and smaller face.
  • Get a natural beautiful facial look result.
Cheekbone reduction surgery

Cheekbone Reduction Surgery

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Cheekbone Reduction Surgery

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