โรงพยาบาลมาสเตอร์พีซ 99/19 ถ.สุโขทัย, แขวง ดุสิต เขตดุสิต, กทม. 10300
02-1054370, 02-2413246


When compared to the average person, having prominent ears may be the cause of some embarrassment. Naturally, women will have their ears tied, creating beautiful hair to shows off their ears. But for some women, they hind their ears by letting their hair cover the ears. Many women therefore turn to otoplasty procedure to help enhance their look and to boost self-confidence levels.

Who can benefit from OTOPLASTY?

  • People who have problems with ears stick out too far from their head.
  • People who have large in proportion to the head.
  • People who lose self-confidence or dissatisfied with their ears.
OTOPLASTY day to day

Why do Otoplasty at Masterpiece Hospital

  • The ideal type of physician for otoplasty is an ophthalmic plastic surgeon. Masterpiece Hospital has surgeons who are certified by Thai Board of Plastic and are specially trained in plastic surgery of the cosmetic surgery and surrounding facial structures.
  • Masterpiece Hospital surgeons have both expertise and experience to design ears structure to match the face.


Info Otoplasty


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  1. Inform your doctor of your health condition, medical history or medical allergy or food allergy.
  2. No contact lens, makeup, polish, or accessories on the day of surgery.
  3. Should refrain from medicines affecting blood coagulation for 7-14 days before the surgery.
  4. No Alcohol 1-2 days before the surgery and 1 week after the surgery.
  5. No smoking at least 4 weeks before and after surgery as the chemicals in the cigarette affect the oxygen level in blood, resulting in slow healing or infection.
  6. Followers or relatives should be present on the surgery day.


  1. Face Support must be worn after surgery for at least 2 weeks at the ear area.
  2. Avoid contact with water at least 3 days. A patient can wash the hair 3 days after the surgery.
  3. Surgical wound must be wiped, clean and dry. If the gauze is wet, it must be immediately changed to prevent any infection.
  4. No smoking and drinking alcohol at least 4 weeks after the after surgery.
  5. Avoid any exercise or any activity which affect the head area for 2 weeks.
  6. If there is abnormal bleeding, should see a doctor immediately.
  7. The follow-up period is 7 days for cutting stiches and check on the surgical wound.


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