
Your Breast Augmentation Questions Answered

We understand that breast augmentation, just like any other major surgery, poses many fears and questions to those who are planning to undergo the procedure. Although your surgeon can address most of your fears and worries prior to the surgery, you may still have some questions left unanswered. Here we have compiled a list of the most common questions patients have when undergoing breast augmentation. 1. Will it be painful? This is a subjective question. The answer to this is no, and yes at the same time. You will be asleep throughout the whole procedure since you will be sedated under general anesthesia. Some patients report feeling pain the moment they wake up from sedation. Whereas others report no pain at all. Pain is a highly subjective experience. With this in mind, you will be given the appropriate pain medication depending on the severity of your pain post-op. It is…


Busted: Breast Augmentation Facts and Myths

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures worldwide coming in second to liposuction. Many women dream of achieving their best figure and sometimes the only way to achieve this is through cosmetic breast augmentation. Breast augmentation is a common aesthetic surgical procedure and many developments have been made since it has been introduced in the 1960s. However, many decades and technological advancements later, there are still looming misconceptions about breast augmentation that can affect one’s outlook on the process. Here, we break down the myths and misconceptions about breast augmentation so that you can make the best, informed decision. MYTH: Breast implants cause cancer FACT: There’s no scientific evidence that links the development of breast cancer to a previous breast implant. Silicone or saline implants used in the market are tested and regulated extensively to make sure that they are hypoallergenic and safe to use. It…


Things You Need To Know Regarding Breast Augmentation (Breast Implant)

There are different types of cosmetic surgeries being done to fulfill different requirements. Surgery like breast augmentation, liposuction, buttock augmentation, Botox, facial implant and facelift. And Among these surgeries, Breast augmentation is one of the most popular among woman. What is Breast Augmentation (Breast Implant)? Breast Augmentation is a surgical procedure, where your breasts will be enlarged with the help of silicone breast implants or by taking unwanted excess fat from parts of your body and transfer it to your breasts. Why people want Breast Augmentation? Our patients choose to do breast augmentation procedure for different reasons. Some because of medical reasons, and some for simple cosmetic. To sum it up, Here are most of the reasons we’ve heard from our patients: Correct the body/breast symmetry Feel and look better To feel more confident Fixing areola or nipple To look better in any dress they want to wear To win more opportunities Breast…

Thai Freelance Model scored the biggest modeling gig of her life only 1 week after Breast Augmentation

Thai Freelance Model scored the biggest modeling gig of her life only 1 week after Breast Augmentation

“That’s me… before the surgery. On a front page of a magazine” Lookgade, A freelance model from Bangkok, always wanted enlarge her breasts through breast augmentation surgery. She admitted that even though she was proud of what she had, she still thinks it was a bit too small. Because some of the gig opportunity that she had lost was due to her small breasts. The more opportunities she missed, the more determined she became to have the right size breasts. “I wanted more gigs. I wanted to feel more confidence. So I just did it. It’s that simple!” Lookgade chose Masterpiece Hospital to transform her future forever. After consulting with the doctor, she decided to go on with the 365 CC Textured Silicone Gel Implant from France. “I decided to book my surgery the day after consultation! The doctor told me not to drink or eat anything for at least…

facial liposuction

The Amazing Secret Singaporean Beauty Blogger uses to Eliminate her low self-esteem issue

Beauty Blogger, Ng Shu Yan, decided to end her long term battle that has been damaging her self-confidence for a long time. “I’m sick of having to turn my face almost 360 degree just to get the RIGHT angle for my selfie.” Having a facial excessive fat can be the worst nightmare for numbers of people, especially those who want to look nice on every photo shooting session. As someone who needs to be at the public event all the time, Ng Shu Yan finds it very difficult to stay confident in front of the many cameras and spotlight. After considering many options, she decided to fly to Bangkok, Thailand and consult with one of Masterpiece Hospital’s top cosmetic surgery doctor, Dr. Walop, to see if it’s possible to get rid of her unwanted facial fat forever. “Dr. Walop was very professional and very patient with me. For someone who…