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Thai Freelance Model scored the biggest modeling gig of her life only 1 week after Breast Augmentation

Thai Freelance Model scored the biggest modeling gig of her life only 1 week after Breast Augmentation

“That’s me… before the surgery. On a front page of a magazine”

Lookgade, A freelance model from Bangkok, always wanted enlarge her breasts through breast augmentation surgery.

She admitted that even though she was proud of what she had, she still thinks it was a bit too small. Because some of the gig opportunity that she had lost was due to her small breasts.

The more opportunities she missed, the more determined she became to have the right size breasts.

“I wanted more gigs. I wanted to feel more confidence. So I just did it. It’s that simple!”

Lookgade chose Masterpiece Hospital to transform her future forever. After consulting with the doctor, she decided to go on with the 365 CC Textured Silicone Gel Implant from France.

“I decided to book my surgery the day after consultation! The doctor told me not to drink or eat anything for at least 8 hours before the surgery. Masterpiece Hospital was very professional. The day of surgery I was greeted and taken care of by a very nice anaesthetist. Both the doctor and team of nurses helped calm my nerve down a lot. The next thing I knew I was on the bed with my new beautiful pair.”

“The recovery was very fast. Much faster than expected. I can even walk around by myself which I thought not possible after 1 week of recovery. But It was only 3 days and I can walk around already. Very impressive.”

lookgade managed to win a very big opportunity within 1 week after the surgery.

“This is 2 weeks after the surgery. I can wear high heels now.”

“Life has been great after the surgery. Having these new breasts really transformed my life. I got much more attention and much more opportunities. That means more money. I’m very satisfied with the doctor and the procedure.”

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breast augmentation

“I said farewell to lift-up bras and sponge. I look great in everything. You can follow me in Instagram @beth_lookgade. If you want to do plastic surgery, I would recommend Masterpiece Hospital. Highly recommended.”

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breast augmentation
breast augmentation
breast augmentation
breast augmentation
breast augmentation
breast augmentation
breast augmentation
breast augmentation
breast augmentation