โรงพยาบาลมาสเตอร์พีซ 99/19 ถ.สุโขทัย, แขวง ดุสิต เขตดุสิต, กทม. 10300
02-1054370, 02-2413246


Deep skin care by pushing vitamins deeply into the skin cells
Dermis Cool

An innovation that pushes vitamins into skin cells, alongside with light therapy (Cool Mesoporation and Light Therapy). This is another medical science that is very effective in rehabilitation. With the use of electric waves coupled with the use of cold energy and LED lighting, this treatment nourishes skin cells deep down by pushing vitamins down to them. You will feel your healthier skin.


What will you benefits from the treatment?

[gem_list type=”square”]What will you benefits from the treatment?

  • Blue light = (Blue light wavelength 470 nm) Kill acne, reduce inflammation of the skin
  • Yellow light = (Yellow light wavelength 590nm) Reduce redness, dark spots, pigment helps the circulation of the lymphatic system.
  • Red light = (Red light wavelength 633nm) Repair skin, treat wrinkles, stimulate collagen, allergic reactions, tighten muscles


Resulting Period

[gem_list type=”square”]Resulting Period

  • Results visible from the first treatment. Can repeat on weekly basis. Recommend continuous treatment for clear treatment results.



What will you feel during treatment?

[gem_list type=”square”]What will you feel during treatment?

  • Feel cool because the device will release the cold energy.
  • Can feel tickling at some points as it involves electrical charges.


Instruction After Treatment

[gem_list type=”square”]Instruction After Treatment

  • Apply Moisturizer and sunscreen to nourish the skin
