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Busted: Breast Augmentation Facts and Myths


Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures worldwide coming in second to liposuction. Many women dream of achieving their best figure and sometimes the only way to achieve this is through cosmetic breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation is a common aesthetic surgical procedure and many developments have been made since it has been introduced in the 1960s. However, many decades and technological advancements later, there are still looming misconceptions about breast augmentation that can affect one’s outlook on the process.

Here, we break down the myths and misconceptions about breast augmentation so that you can make the best, informed decision.

MYTH: Breast implants cause cancer

Breast implants cause cancer?

FACT: There’s no scientific evidence that links the development of breast cancer to a previous breast implant. Silicone or saline implants used in the market are tested and regulated extensively to make sure that they are hypoallergenic and safe to use. It is still advised that women get regular breast exams however, even if they have implants in place.

MYTH: Breast implants need to be replaced every 5 years

Breast implants need to be replaced every 5 years?

FACT: Although the materials used today are start-of-the-art and have been tested safe for use, there’s no guarantee that they will last a lifetime. The only reason that implants may need to be removed or replaced is if they rupture or if there’s any abnormal scar formation that may consequently cause the patient pain. For as long as there are no issues such as mentioned above, the implants do not have to be removed no matter how long they have been in the body. Like any surgery, you will have to monitor your breast implants for any changes or abnormalities as well as undergo routine medical check-ups including mammograms and regular visits to your doctor.

MYTH: You can go as big as you want

FACT: Your surgeon will discuss the best size for you and it is best to heed your surgeon’s advice. What you want to achieve may not always be what is best for you and may do more harm than good. Placing an implant that may be too big for a small chest may end up with unsightly results can cause overstretching of the skin and extensive scar tissue formation underneath. There are many factors to consider when choosing the best cup size for you such as age, tissue condition and most especially your body size in relation to your implants. You can’t simply go from a cup A to a double D instantly without any impending consequences.

MYTH: You cant breastfeed when you have implants

You can’t breastfeed when you have implants?

FACT: Having implants in place does not impede your ability to breastfeed. Since this is a pressing concern among women who are of childbearing age, you should discuss this concern with your surgeon and disclose if you have any plans of getting pregnant any time after the procedure. You can still breastfeed even when you have implants in place, however, since pregnancy brings about many breast changes due to hormonal fluctuations, pregnant women can expect a marked increase in breast size as well as the potential for uneven breast size during this breastfeeding period. As long as there are no leaks or ruptures in the implants, there is no imminent risk for babies breastfed by mothers who have implants in place.

MYTH: Breast implants rupture easily

Breast implants rupture easily

FACT: The technology employed today in breast implants has made these implants very durable and resistant to rupturing with regular everyday activities. Even regularly getting a mammogram will not pose any considerable threat to rupturing a good-quality implant. You can engage in vigorous exercises such as running or weight lifting as long as you use the necessary support bras to avoid unnecessary strain that can cause you pain. However, before going back to any exercise regimen, discuss with your surgeon how long you have to abstain from such activities immediately following the procedure.

MYTH: Any doctor can perform breast augmentation

Any doctor can perform breast augmentation

FACT: Breast augmentation is a highly specialized operation that requires extensive training in cosmetic and plastic surgery. Before deciding to go under the knife, make sure that you only go to a reputable plastic surgeon who has legit qualifications to do the procedure. Oftentimes, the horror stories you hear about botched operations are done by unlicensed or poorly qualified surgeons in unregulated clinics. These “surgeons” charge a lower rate than the usual, so if the price is too good to be true, it probably is.

MYTH: Breast implants affect breast sensation

Breast implants affect breast sensation

FACT: You can still feel the sensations in your breast following a breast implant. Once the implant has set and the scars have healed, the extent of sensation you will feel in the breast area is still comparable to that of not having anything done at all.

MYTH: Breast augmentation takes a long time to heal

FACT: Recovery time is entirely subjective and varies from patient to patient. However, you can expect to be able to carry on with your daily tasks within 3 days after the procedure with a little help from over-the-counter analgesics. You’ll be expected to wear a surgical bra for about 2 weeks after the procedure and you’re advised to avoid any heavy lifting or straining for about 6 weeks thereafter. Pain is usually tolerable and you can go back to work a week after getting the implants in.

MYTH: Breast augmentation is a long and complicated procedure

FACT: No surgical procedure is simple. No matter how small the procedure may be, all surgeries come with imminent risks. Well-trained surgeons, however, know how to avoid and isolate these risks to avoid putting their patients in danger. On the average, breast augmentation generally takes only about 2-3 hours to complete and you’ll be sedated under general anesthesia so you’ll be asleep throughout the procedure. You will have to stay in the recovery room for a few hours after the procedure and you may be advised to be admitted in the hospital for a few days thereafter for monitoring and rule out any possible complications.